EMC Test Design Smart Field-meters®
• Smart Field meter® Digital RFP-05M
• Smart Field meter® Digital RFP-04
Isotropic Omni-field Antennas®
• OFA-G 30MHz-6GHz
• OFA-GH 30MHz-6GHz, 5 mV/m-500 V/m
Isotropic Pulsed and Broadband Electric Field Probes
• PI-01 200KHz-3GHz, 0.2-600 V/m Isotropic Broadband
• PI-01C 500MHz- 3GHz, 0.4- 500 V/m Isotropic Broadband
• PI-01E 0.1MHz- 6GHz, 0.3- 600 V/m Isotropic Broadband
• PI-01LF 10KHz-3GHz, 0.2-600 V/m Isotropic Broadband
• PI-01V 900MHz- 1.9GHz, 0.4- 400 V/m Isotropic Broadband
• PI-03 3MHz-18GHz, 0.8- 800 V/m Isotropic Broadband
• PI-03P 100MHz-18GHz Isotropic Pulsed Electric Field Probe
• PI-05 1MHz-40GHz, 2-1000 V/m Isotropic Ultra Broadband
• PI-07 2MHz-60GHz, 4-1000 V/m Isotropic Ultra Broadband
• PI-H1 500KHz- 50MHz, 0.05-20 V/m Isotropic Broadband
• PI-SH-FCC or PI-SH-ICNIRP Isotropic Shaped Frequency Response
• Selective Field Analyzer SFA-G - 30MHz -6GHz
• Spectrum Analyzer SA-S - 1Hz-4.2GHz
• Spectrum Analyzer SA-S/J – SA-J (100 KHz-12.4 GHz)
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Product Catalog – EMC Test Design Product Catalog
Parts |
Model # |
Description |
Included |
Isotropic Ultra Broadband Electric Field Probes |
PI-01 |
Isotropic Broadband Electric Field Probe: PI-01, Frequency Range: 200KHz-3GHz Field Strength Range: 0.2–600 V/m Compatible with Meters: RFP-04, RFP-05M |
PI-01C Selective |
Selective Electric Probe PI-01C. Frequency Range: 500 – 3000 MHz Field Strength Range: 0.4 – 500 V/m Meter: RFP-04, RFP-05M |
PI-01E |
Isotropic Broadband Electric Field Probe: PI-01E , Frequency Range: 100KHz-6GHz Field Strength Range: 0.3–600 V/m Compatable with Meters: RFP-04, RFP-05M |
PI-01LF |
Electric Probe: PI-01LF, Frequency Range: 10KHz-3GHz Field Strength Range: 0.2* – 600 V/m (*)Depends on frequency, see the data sheet. Meter: RFP-04, RFP-05M |
PI-01V Selective |
Selective Probe: PI-01V Frequency Range: 900-1900MHz. Dual GSM band. Field Strength Range: 0.4 – 400 V/m Meter: RFP-04, RFP-05M |
PI-03 |
Isotropic Broadband Electric Field Probe: PI-03 , Frequency Range: 3MHz-18GHz Field Strength Range: 0.8–800 V/m Compatable with Meters: RFP-04, RFP-05M |
PI-03P Pulsed Electric Field |
Isotropic Broadband Electric Field Probe: PI-03P Pulsed Electric Field, Frequency Range: 100MHz-18GHz Field Strength Range: 70-1400 V/m. RF pulse width > 1 us. Comptable with Meter: RFP-05 |
PI-05 |
Isotropic Ultra Broadband Electric Field Probe: PI-05, Frequency Range: 1MHz-40GHz Field Strength Range: 2-1000 V/m. Compatable with Meter: RFP-05 |
PI-H1 Magnetic Field |
Magnetic Probe: PI-H1 Magnetic Field, Frequency Range: 500KHz-50MHz Field Strength Range: 0.05 – 20 A/m Meter: RFP-05M |
Shapted Electric Probe. Frequency Range: 300KHz-18gHz Compatible with Meter: RFP-05m |
Note 1: Kits with broadband probes PI-01, PI-01LF, PI-01E, PI-03 and PI-05 come with Field Gauge FG-01 |
Note 2. The price of the probes includes calibration. |
Note 3. The price of RFP-05 meter includes: meter in hard case with accessories (AC/DC charger, table tripod, mounting clip, meter-probe SMA cable, SD card) and Users Manual. |
Meters Selection: Smart Fieldmeter® Digital and Smart Fieldmeter® |
RFP-04 |
Smart Fieldmeter® Model: RFP-04, Frequency Range: 0.2-800 V/m (depending on the probe used) Field Strength Range: Calibrated with one probe selected at purchase. Supports most of electric probes (see the table above). Accessories include: RS232, USB and Fiber Optic isolated data readout modems. |
RFP-05M |
Smart Fieldmeter® Digital Model: RFP-05(M), Frequency Range: 0.2-3000 V/m 0.01-100A/m (depending on the probe used) Field Strength Range: Calibrated with up to four probes at the same time. Supports all present and future probes. Accessories include: bidirectional RS232, USB and Fiber Optic isolated modems, GPS and IR Remote. |
Main PC Link Accessories |
Insulated USB Modem. Allows charging and bidirectional communication between PC and meter RFP – 05M. |
FOLK-02 |
Fiber Optic Link Kit. Includes two bidirectional modems IM-MF, IM-PF and 10-meter (30‘) bi-line fiber optic cable. Makes seamless fiber optic connection of RFP-05M meter with PC for data streaming. Eliminates all wires. |
Optional Cable for FOLK-02: 20M |
#1. Optional cable -20 m. |
Optional Cable for FOLK-02: 50m |
#2. Optional cable 50 m. |
ODLK-01 |
Optically Decoupled Link Kit. Includes Data Cable and TTL/RS232 bidirectional converter with optical Isolator. Serial isolated RS232 output. Allows bidirectional communication between PC and meter RFP-05. |
FOLK-01 |
Fiber Optic Link Kit. Includes two bidirectional RS232/Optic converters and 10-meter (30‘) bi-line fiber optic cable. Makes seamless fiber optic connection of RFP-05 meter with PC for data streaming. Requires ODLK-01. |
Optional Cable: 20M |
#1. Optional cable -20 m. |
Optional Cable: 50m |
#2. Optional cable 50 m. |
Isotropic Omnifield Antennas® |
Isotropic Omnifield Antenna® OFA-S/SE – Active Broadband Isotropic Antenna, Frequency Range: 30MHz-3GHz Field Strength Range: 10mV/m-300V/m |
Isotropic Omnifield Antenna® OFA-S/SE – Active Broadband Isotropic Antenna, Frequency Range: 30MHz-3GHz Field Strength Range: 1mV/m-30V/m. |
Field Analyser – SFA-S Kit |
SFA-S Kit includes: OFA-S/SE Broadband Isotropic Antenna and SA-S Sprectrum Analyzer
Calibration |
PI-01 (All Variants and PI-H1 Recalibration |
All EMC Test Products should be recalibrated in one or two years intervals. |
PI-03 Recalibration |
All EMC Test Products should be recalibrated in one or two years intervals. |
PI-05 Recalibration |
All EMC Test Products should be recalibrated in one or two years intervals. |
Smart Fieldmeter® Digital Product Kits |
Kit 3D Meter: RFP-05
Meter, Probe Kit 3D Meter: RFP-05
Kit 3D Meter: RFP-05
Kit 3DP Meter: RFP-05
Meter, Probe Kit 3DP Meter: RFP-05
Kit 3DP Meter: RFP-05
Kit 1D Meter: RFP-05
Meter, Probe Kit 1D Meter: RFP-05
Kit 1D Meter: RFP-05
Kit 1DE Meter: RFP-05
Meter, Probe Kit 1DE Meter: RFP-05
Kit 1DE Meter: RFP-05
Kit 4D Meter: RFP-05
Meter, Probe Kit 4D Meter: RFP-05
Kit 4D Meter: RFP-05
Kit 1DC Meter: RFP-05
Meter, Probe Kit 1DC Meter: RFP-05
Kit 1DC Meter: RFP-05
Kit HD Meter: RFP-05
Meter, Probe Kit HD Meter: RFP-05
Kit HD Meter: RFP-05
Notes: |
1. Every Kit includes: meter in hard case with accessories (AC/DC charger, table tripod, mounting clip, meter-probe SMA cable, SD card) and Users Manual with Calibration Certificate. Field Gauge is included with Kit 1D, Kit 2D, Kit 3D. |
Accessories |
Cable: Meter- Probe |
SMA/SMA 4-6 ft. Standard. |
Data Cable |
Cable 2.5 mm plugs on both ends, length 3-6 ft. Standard. |
FC-01 |
Portable frequency counter with frequency range 30 MHz-2.8 GHz. Measures pulsed GSM and cell phone signals with RF pulse duration longer than 250 usec. |
FG-01 Field Gauge |
The FG-01 Field Gauge allows verification of all Smart Fieldmeter® Digital broadband probes in seconds. Operates with PI-01, PI-02, PI-03 probes. Standard. |
FOLK-01 |
Fiber Optic Link Kit. Includes two bidirectional RS232/Optic converters and 10-meter (30‘) bi-line fiber optic cable. Makes seamless fiber optic connection of RFP-05 meter with PC for data streaming.
FOLK-01 with Optional 20m cable |
#1. Optional cable -20 m. |
FOLK-01 with Optional 50m cable |
#2. Optional cable 50 m. |
FOLK-02 |
Fiber Optic Link Kit.
FOLK-02 with Optional 20m cable |
#1. Optional cable -20 m. |
FOLK-02 with Optional 50m cable |
#2. Optional cable 50 m. |
GPS Position Receiver Connects to RFP-05. In order to visualize locations on map requires ODLK-01, RS232/USB adapter and mapping |
Insulated USB Modem Allows charging and bidirectional communication between PC and meter RFP -05M. |
IR Remote |
IR remote controls Smart Fieldmeter® Digital from the distance. Optional. |
ODLK-01 |
Optically Decoupled Link Kit.
RS232-USB Adapter |
Adapter to convert serial RS232 signal to USB for computers without RS232 port. For FOLK-01. |
Table Tripod |
6” Nonmetal Tripod Standard. |