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    AFJ Technology offers 4 Digital FFT EMI Receivers:
    • FFT 3010 & 3030 EMI TEST RECEIVERS
    • FFT 3100 & 3300 EMI TEST RECEIVERS

     EMI Recievers from Schwarzbeck
    • FCKL 1528 – 9kHz – 30MHz

     AFJ Technology FFT EMI Receivers
    FFT 3010 & 3030 EMI TEST Receivers
    The FFT 3010 and 3030 from AFJ are fully FFT digital EMI Receivers for the measurement of conducted electromagnetic interference from 9kHz to 30MHz


    AFJ FFT 3010 EMI Reciever Front

    The AFJ FFT 3010 and 3030 are compact and are manufactured compliant to the CISPR 16 International Standard. The FFT 3010 and 3030 use a FFT Scan Mode for fast measurements of conducted electromagnetic interference in accordance with the requirements of EMI International, European and Product standards. The FFT 3010 and 3030 come with pre-selectors and advanced software for EMC testing.
    The FFT 3010 and 3030 are Optimized for easy-to-use EMI measurement.
    Fitted with an internal pre-selector/ preamplifier the AFJ FFT 3010 and 3030 units features excellent dynamic range and is, therefore, able to perform precise EMC tests.
    Measurements to commercial EMI International, European and Product standards can be carried out directly by comparing the EMI spectrum with the associated limit lines and switching on the appropriate detectors.



    ◆ FFT Scan Mode

    ◆ Peak, Quasi-Peak, CISPR Average, RMS and CISPR RMS numerical detectors

    ◆ Automatic attenuation insertion in case of saturation condition during measurement sweep

    ◆ Precise digital overload detector to avoid saturation effects during analyzing function

    ◆ Correct pulse weighting to CISPR 16-1-1 from PRF of 1Hz

     ◆ High measurement speed and fast detection of critical frequencies (dwell time down to 1msec)

     ◆ High sensitivity

     ◆ Large-signal immunity

     ◆ Low measurement uncertainty

     ◆ High measurement speed

     ◆ Correction values for cables loss, attenuator/amplifier, coupling networks, GTEM correction and antenna factors

     ◆ Integrated signal generator

     ◆ 10MHz External reference frequency

     ◆ Software option for AM / FM / WBFM digital demodulations


    The FFT 3010 and 3030 EMI Receivers are fully compliant with CISPR 16-1-1.
    The response of the FFT 3010 and 3030 Quasi-Peak Detector in terms of both absolute calibration and relative calibration lays between the tolerances of CISPR 16-1-1.
    The pulse weighting conformity meets down to the minimum value of the Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) coming from the DUT, of 1Hz.
    The FFT Scan Mode is compliant to CISPR 16-3.
    Accuracy and reproducibility are key parameters for AFJ FFT 3010 EMI Receiver application.

    Based on a PC integrated architecture with WINDOWS 7 Embedded OS, the FFT 3010 and 3030 EMI Receivers are ready to operate with advanced software for EMC testing, fitted with pre-selectors that allow excellent dynamic range and precise conducted emission measurements covering the frequency range from 9kHz to 30MHz. Remote control with an external PC is also possible.
    Software enables the operator to set all parameters and set-up both Receivers as requested by CISPR 16-1-1 or to tailor it according to specific needs.

     Some examples are:
    ◆ Frequency range
    ◆ Numerical Detectors upgradeable by software
    (Peak, Quasi Peak, CISPR Average, RMS, CISPR RMS and combination of them)
    ◆ Limits set by International, European and other Standards
    ◆ Dwell measurement time
    ◆ Correction factors

    The input bandwidth of the front end is limited by pre-selection filters to reduce the energy at the input stage of the internal tuner to guarantee the wide dynamic range required for quasi-peak

    Compliant to CISPR 16-3, FFT is applied to the wide band signal with the advantages of Fast Scan Mode.

    Digital CISPR EMI Filters BW (200Hz and 9kHz) do not need any periodic adjustment and maintenance.

    Receiver settings, measurements set-up, tests and measurements, frequency tables, external devices correction factors are automatically saved into powerful data base according to the proper work spaces defined by the user.

    Due to digital technology, five different types of numerical detectors (upgradeable by software) and combinations of them
    can be selected by the user.
    In addition to that, each detector type can be associated with a selectable timing, corresponding to the endurance of the
    measurement aperture gate.
    In the Analyze Mode, the bar graph, with current detector value and Max Hold display, shows the results of manual circuit adjustment when DUT cabling is arranged for maximum emission.

    Fast Scan Mode with 3009 simultaneous detectors in parallel in Band
    A and 1669 simultaneous detectors in parallel in Band B increases the measurement speed by a factor 3009 in Band A and 1669 in Band B compared to the measurement speed of the traditional EMI receivers.

    Performs a zooming operation on the diagram part that is selected pushing shift button of the keyboard and left key of the mouse at the same time. The new diagram can be checked with all ANALYZE MODE functions.

     FFT 3100 and the 3300 EMI TEST RECEIVERS


    AFJ FFT 3100 EMI Reciever Front

     The AFJ FFT 3000 series of EMI Test Receivers are Fully digital IF EMI receivers, with a compact design and are manufactured compliant to the CISPR 16 International Standard.
    THE FFT 3000 family of EMI receivers use a FFT Scan Mode for fast measurements of electromagnetic interference in accordance with requirements of EMI International, European and Product standards, pre-selectors and advanced software for EMC testing.
    FFT 3000 EMI receivers cover the full frequency range from 9kHz to 3GHz and are based on a PC integrated architecture with WINDOWS 7 Embedded OS. So they are ready to operate with advanced software for EMC testing, fitted with pre-selectors that allow excellent dynamic range and precise emission measurements.
    Remote control with an external PC is also possible.

    Please download the associated Data Sheet for additional information.

     Associated Downloads

     AFJ FFT 3100 and 3300 EMI TEST RECEIVERS Data Sheet AFJ FFT 3100 & 3300 EMI Receivers Data Sheet

      AFJ FFT 3100 and 3300 EMI TEST RECEIVERS Data Sheet AFJ FFT 3100 & 3300 EMI Receivers Data Sheet

     AFJ FFT 3010 EMI Receiver Data Sheet AFJ FFT 3010 EMI Receiver Data Sheet


    EMI Recievers from Schwarzbeck

    FCKL 1528 – 9kHz – 30MHz
    Schwarzbeck EMI Receiver FCKL1528

    · EMI Receiver according CISPR 16-1-1· 9 kHz – 30 MHz

    · 5 Detectors: Quasipeak, Peak, Average, CAV, CRMS

    · Attenuator with 1 dB steps

    · Protected Input

    · Automatic Calibration w. built-in Pulse Generator

    · GPIB-Interface.


    Schwarzbeck Interference Measuring Receiver FCKL 1528 Data Sheet FCKL1528 Manual
    Schwarzbeck Speeding up time consuming Quasipeak-tests using Variscan Data Sheet Speeding up time consuming Quasipeak-tests using Variscan


    Option XY-Rec.:
    25-pin connector on the back side with analogous voltages for frequency and Interference voltage to connect an XY-recorder.

    Option Software:
    Schwarzbeck-Software FCKL for EMI-Measurement

     Schwarzbeck Messbase-Software for Emission-tests under MS-WINDOWS Data Sheet Option Software Data Sheet
    Download Demo Version Measuring time limited to 60s Download Demo Version Measuring time limited to 60s