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    Reliant EMC is proud to offer GTEM-Cells from GTEM ITALIA according to IEC/EN 61000-4-20.

    GTEM 1000


    The GTEM 250 / 400 / 450 / 500 / 600 can be ordered in a Vertical Positioning!

    · GTEM Cell Description

    · GTEM Advantages

    · Click here to view the GTEM Specifications Matrix

    · GTEM 250, 400, 500, 750, 100 Specification Matrix pdf

    · GTEM 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, 2500 Specification Matrix pdf

    · Accessories for GTEM Cells Matrix pdf


    GTEM Cell Description
    The GTEM-cell is a TEM waveguide with the upper frequency limit
    extended to the GHz range.
    It is a low-cost alternative measurement facility for both radiated emission and immunity measurements.

    It is included in the published standard IEC/EN 61000-4-20 “Emission and Immunity Testing in Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Waveguides”.

    Compared to other measuring methods like EMC test in anechoic chambers or OATS (Open Area Test Sites), GTEM-cells
    offer some significant advantages for the testing of small and medium sized EUT´s (Equipment Under Test) up to a frequency range of 18 GHz.

    GTEM Cell Advantages

    Quick turnarounds of the EUT as well as numerous testing variations are easy and fast to handle.
    Switching from emission to immunity testing requires only simple adjustments from receiver input to amplifier output.
    Irrespective of long waiting times associated with off-site test labs or weather and ambient delays that can occur at OATS facilities.

    Whether you are at the design qualification, pre-compliance, compliance, or production sampling stage, the GTEM is the right choice for you.

    Associated Downloads

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM 250 1000 Specifications Matrix Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM 250 Manual Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM 400 Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM 500 Manual Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM 750 Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM 1000 Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM 1250 Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM 1250 2500 Specifications Matrix

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM 1500 Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM 1750 Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM 2000 Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM Calculating Power Required for GTEM250 400 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM CE Label Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM DB 25 Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM Differences Than Competitors Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM Fans Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM Fans Channel Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM Options and Accessories Matrix

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM Shielded Honeycomb Air Vent Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM Shielded Honeycomb Air Vent Diagram Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM Test Volume Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia TEM Cell Analysis of the Field Homogeneity Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia TEM Cell and Stripline relation between cut off frequency and height under the plate Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia TEM Cell Family Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia TEM Cell Typical Power Requirements Data Sheet

    Frankonia Group Open TEM-Cells GTEM Italia GTEM Superior Technology over the Competition