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    AFJ Instruments PRICE LIST

    Part Number Description
      CISPR 16‐1‐1 EMI RECEIVER FULLY FFT ‐ f=9kHz÷30MHz 
    FFT 3010 Fully FFT CISPR 16-1-1 EMI Receiver, f=9kHz÷30MHz, Peak, Quasi Peak, CISPR_Average, RMS & CISPR_RMS Detectors, Preselectors, 200Hz & 9kHz Digital IF Filters, PC Integrated with WINDOWS 7 Embedded OS, Internal Signal Generator f=9kHz÷30MHz, LAN Interface, Certificate of Calibration including Calculation of Uncertainty and Traceability
      CISPR 16‐1‐1 EMI RECEIVER FULLY FFT ‐ f=9kHz÷108MHz
    FFT 3018 Fully FFT CISPR 16-1-1 EMI Receiver, f=9kHz÷108MHz, Peak, Quasi Peak, CISPR_Average, RMS & CISPR_RMS Detectors, Preselectors, 200Hz, 9kHz & 120kHz Digital IF Filters, PC Integrated with WINDOWS 7 Embedded OS, Internal Signal Generator f=9kHz÷108MHz, LAN Interface, Certificate of Calibration including Calculation of Uncertainty and Traceability
    FFT 3100 CISPR 16‐1‐1 EMI Receiver with IF FFT Function, f=30MHz÷1GHz, Peak, Quasi Peak, CISPR_Average, RMS & CISPR_RMS Detectors, Preselectors, 120kHz Digital IF Filter, PC Integrated with WINDOWS 7 Embedded OS, Internal Signal Generator f=30MHz÷1GHz, LAN Interface, Certificate of Calibration including Calculation of Uncertainty and Traceability
    FFT 3300 CISPR 16‐1‐1 EMI Receiver with IF FFT Function, f=30MHz÷3GHz, Peak, Quasi Peak, CISPR_Average, RMS & CISPR_RMS Detectors, Preselectors, 120kHz & 1MHz Digital IF Filters, PC Integrated with WINDOWS 7 Embedded OS, Internal Signal Generator f=30MHz÷3GHz, LAN Interface, Certificate of Calibration including Calculation of Uncertainty and Traceability
      CISPR 16‐1‐1 EMI RECEIVER ‐ f=9kHz÷300MHz
    R3030 CISPR 16‐1‐1 EMI Receiver, f=9kHz÷300MHz, Peak, Quasi Peak, CISPR_Average, RMS & CISPR_RMS Detectors, Preselectors, 200Hz, 9kHz & 120kHz Digital IF Filters, 15kHz & 1MHz HW IF Filters, EMI Software for OS WINDOWS, Tracking Generator f=9kHz÷150MHz, LAN Interface, Certificate of Calibration including Calculation of Uncertainty and Traceability
    DDA55 CISPR 16‐1‐1 & CISPR 14‐1 Digital Click Analyzer, four fixed frequency modules f=150kHz, f=500kHz, f=1.4MHz & f=30MHz for simultaneous measurements, PC Integrated with WINDOWS 7 Embedded OS, Built‐In Internal Calibration Pulse Generator, LAN Interface, Certificate of Calibration including Calculation of Uncertainty and Traceability
    PAT20M Input protection for any brand EMI receiver, 20dB, 1W ATTENUATOR and PULSE LIMITER, N]BNC, N]N, BNC]BNC connectors configuration available, Certificate of Calibration including Calculation of Uncertainty and Traceability
    USPA-CR  USB Interface / Parallel Interface adapter to connect AFJ ER55 EMI Receivers to any brand PC with USB interface 
    USPA-CL USB Interface / Parallel Interface adapter to connect CL55C manufactured before July 1st, 2012 to any brand PC with USB interface
    DENAN Option  Option for making DDA55 fully compliance to DENAN Japanese standard including frequency channel f=550kHz 
    CL55C Software EMI Software for WINDOWS 7 OS for CL55C manufactured before June 1st, 2012. The PC shall be connected to CL55C through USB interface. USPA-CL adapter is required.
    MDS 21B  Absorbing Clamp for Radiated Power Emission measurements, f=30MHz ÷1000MHz, N connector (by Lüthi) 
    SW04/32 Switching box to be connected with CL55C and LISN (any brand) for switching operation measurements, I=32A three phase, Certificate of Calibration including Calculation of Uncertainty and Traceability
    SW04/100 Switching box to be connected with CL55C and LISN (any brand) for switching operation measurements, I=100A three phase, Certificate of Calibration including Calculation of Uncertainty and Traceability
      Other accessories are available on request
    Linear Type 38 mm Diameter, 58 W, (1500 mm)
    38 mm Diameter, 36 W, (1200 mm)
    38 mm Diameter, 30 W, (895 mm)
    38 mm Diameter, 18 W, (590 mm)
    25 mm Diameter, 58 W, (1500 mm)
    25 mm Diameter, 36 W, (1200 mm)
    25 mm Diameter, 36 W, (970 mm)
    25 mm Diameter, 30W, (895 mm)
    25 mm Diameter, 18 W, (590 mm)
    U ‐ Type 38 mm Diameter, 65 W, (765 mm)
    38 mm Diameter, 40 W, (607 mm)
    38 mm Diameter, 20 W, (310 mm)
    Circular Type 38 mm Diameter, 40 W, (413 mm)
    38 mm Diameter, 32 W, (311 mm)
    38 mm Diameter, 22 W, (216 mm)
    15mm Fluorescent 15 mm Diameter, 13 W, (517 mm)
    15 mm Diameter, 8 W, (288 mm)
    15 mm Diameter, 6 W, (212 mm)
    15 mm Diameter, 4 W, (136 mm)
    15 mm Diameter, Single Capped Socket 2 G 7, 11 W, (215 mm)
    15 mm Diameter, Single Capped Socket 2 G 7, 9 W, (145 mm)
    15 mm Diameter, Single Capped Socket 2 G 7, 7 W, (115 mm)
    15 mm Diameter, Single Capped Socket 2 G 7, 5 W, (85 mm)
    12mm Fluorescent 12mm Single Capped Twin Tube Socket G 23, 11W, (214mm) 
    12mm single capped Twin Tube Socket G 23, 9W, (144mm) 
    12mm single capped Twin Tube Socket G 23, 7W (114 mm) 
    12mm single capped Twin Tube Socket G 23, 5W (85mm) 
    12mm single capped Quad Tube Socket G 24, 26W (149 mm) 
    12mm single capped Quad Tube Socket G 24, 18W (130 mm) 
    12mm single capped Quad Tube Socket G 24, 13W (115 mm)
    12mm single capped Quad Tube Socket G 24, 10W (87 mm) 
    ACCESSORIES FOR CISPR 15 (LIGHTING APPLIANCES): Insertion Loss Balance‐to‐unbalance Transformer
    Socket E 27  Conical Metal Housing for self‐ballasted fluorescent Lamps Socket E 27 
    Socket E 14  Conical Metal Housing for self‐ballasted fluorescent Lamps Socket E 14 
    Socket Bajonet   Conical Metal Housing for self‐ballasted fluorescent Lamp socket bajonet
    VDH 30 * «Van der Hoofden» Test Head for Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields Measurement according to IEC 62493 standard, f=20kHz÷10MHz, Protection Network, Wooden Tripod, Calculation Software, Certificate of Calibration including Calculation of Uncertainty and Traceability
      * Additional 5% discount if ordered with EMI Receivers Pos. 1 + 2 or Pos. 1 + 3
    LS16C/10 * LISN, 2x16A according to CISPR 16‐1‐2, f=9kHz ÷30MHz, manual & automatic phase control, built‐in pulse limiter and 10dB attenuator.
    Including current variation counter for CISPR 14‐1 (switching operation measurement), Certificate of Calibration including Calculation of Uncertainty and Traceability
    LT32C/10 * LISN, 4x32A according to CISPR 16‐1‐2, f=9kHz ÷30MHz, manual & automatic phase control, built‐in pulse limiter and 10dB attenuator .
    Including current variation counter for CISPR 14‐1 (switching operation measurement), Certificate of Calibration including Calculation of Uncertainty and Traceability
    LT63  LISN, 4x63A according to CISPR 16‐1‐2, f=150kHz ÷30MHz, manual phase control. Transient limiter and attenuator included (by Cranage) 
    TK 9420  High Voltage Probe according to CISPR 16‐1‐2, f=9kHz÷30MHz, 35dB attenuation, R=1.5kOhm, C=4pF, RF < 30V (by Schwarzbeck) 
    TK 9421  High Voltage Probe according to CISPR 16‐1‐2, f=150kHz÷30MHz, 35dB attenuation, R=1.5kOhm, C=4pF, RF < 100V (by Schwarzbeck) 
      * Additional 5% discount if ordered with EMI Receivers Pos. 1 + 2 or Pos. 1 + 3
      ACCESSORIES FOR CISPR 15 (LIGHTING APPLIANCES): Radiated Emission Measurements Antenna
    VVL 1530 * Van Veen Loop Antenna for Magnetic Field Radiated Emission measurements f=9kHz ÷30MHz, Certificate of Calibration including Calculation of Uncertainty and Traceability
    ES 1530  EUT support to use during measurement with any Van Veen Loop antenna (1 ‐ 37 x 37 x h 45cm; 1 ‐ 37 x 37 x h 98,5cm) 
    CK 1530   Calibration kit for any Van Veen Loop Antenna, including ES 1530
    C0.5 1530  Cable to connect VVL 1530 to any brand EMI Receiver, 0.5m length, N‐N connectors
    C1.5 1530  Cable to connect VVL 1530 to any brand EMI Receiver,1.5m length, N‐N connectors
    C5.0 1530  Cable to connect VVL 1530 to any brand EMI Receiver, 5m length, N‐N connectors
    C10.0 1530  Cable to connect VVL 1530 to any brand EMI Receiver, 10m length, N‐N connectors
    C15.0 1530  Cable to connect VVL 1530 to any brand EMI Receiver, 15m length, N‐N connectors
      * Additional 5% discount if ordered with EMI Receivers Pos. 1 + 2 or Pos. 1 + 3
      ACCESSORIES FOR CISPR 15 (LIGHTING APPLIANCES): Radiated Emission Measurements CDN
    M2/B  CDN for testing according to CISPR 15 Ed. 6 / EN 55015 Ed. 6, f=150kHz ÷300MHz, 2 power lines (L+N), Banana connectors.
    M3/B  CDN for testing according to CISPR 15 Ed. 6 / EN 55015 Ed. 6, f=150kHz ÷300MHz, 3 power lines (L+N+PE), Banana connectors.
    M2+M3/B CDN for testing according to CISPR 15 Ed. 6 / EN 55015 Ed. 6, f=150kHz ÷300MHz, power lines, switchable between 2 lines (L+N)(M2) or 3 lines (L+N+PE)(M3), Banana connectors.
    AF2/B   CDN for testing according to CISPR 15 Ed. 6 / EN 55015 Ed. 6, f=150kHz ÷300MHz, 2 unscreened and unbalanced lines, Banana connectors.
    AF3/B  CDN for testing according to CISPR 15 Ed. 6 / EN 55015 Ed. 6, f=150kHz ÷300MHz, 3 unscreened and unbalanced lines, Banana connectors. 
    AF4/B   CDN for testing according to CISPR 15 Ed. 6 / EN 55015 Ed. 6, f=150kHz ÷300MHz, 4 unscreened and unbalanced lines, Banana connectors.