Products by EMC Categories
• Antennas
• EMC Emission Analyzers
• Near Field Probes
• Pre-selector
• Reference Sources
• RF Sensors/Probes
• Test Cells
• Test Chambers
• Voltage Probe (PLIP)
Harmonic and Flicker
• AC2000A Harmonics & Flicker Analyzer
• AC1000 Clean Power Source
• CDN’s
• Dips and Interrupts
• EFT & Burst
• Power Amplifiers
• Sensors/Probes
• Surge
• Synthesizers
• Test Cells
• Test Chambers
Mains Filters
Product Software
RF Meters and Sensors
• Conducted Emissions
• Conducted RF immunity IEC1000-4-6
• Harmonic and Flicker
• Luminaire Test (EN55015)
• Non-RF Immunity IEC61000-4-4 IEC61000-4-5 IEC61000-4-11
• RF Emissions (CDN)
• RF Emissions (Cell/Chamber)
• RF Emissions (OATS)
• RF Immunity (Cell/Chamber) IEC61000-4-3
• Standards
• Sale! Radiated Emission Test System – Reduced!
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LAPLACE Company Overview
Laplace believes that EMC compliance testing should be a straightforward process, using equipment and software that is easily understood and which delivers results that are easily interpreted. We have developed a range of products and test systems that achieve these requirements and are comprehensive, integrated and cost effective.
Our systems cover all the EMC standards and compliance test requirements.
• Conducted Emissions Systems
• Radiated Emissions Systems
• Harmonics and Flicker
• Conducted RF immunity
• Radiated RF immunity
• Immunity to ESD
• Immunity to EFT/Burst
• Immunity to Surge
• Immunity to dips and interrupts
• Immunity to magnetic fields
Originally the company activities focused on Signal Acquisition and Instrumentation equipment, with a specialist niche in vibration analysis and FFT techniques. Our markets at that time included automotive, military (helicopter), heavy engineering and railway sectors. These led to frequency analysis tools, which in turn led to RF spectrum analyzers.
In 1993, the potential demand for RF spectrum analyzers. in the measurement of EMC emissions was identified as a growth area and by 1995, this activity was the largest contributor of the company turnover. Since that time, substantial R & D investment has been devoted to maintaining a product range that has become a market leader in the global EMC market and accounts for 90% of the company sales. Major developments include the innovative LaplaCell test cells, a compact and efficient form of GTEM cell for emissions measurement and immunity testing. Other unique advances in the field include probably the most powerful PC Windows software application for EMC testing that is currently available anywhere.
In addition to our test equipment range, we offer training courses. These are specifically designed for manufacturers and others who need a pragmatic and effective approach to the EMC testing of products.
In addition, other product developments have tracked the introduction of other EU Directives, particularly that of the Physical Agents Directive (Vibration), for which we were granted a UK Smart Award for innovative product research. This has led to a unique system for monitoring hand/arm vibration in the workplace as experienced by operatives using hand held machinery. This significant technology is now licensed world-wide.
Plans for the future include further product developments to supplement the EMC test equipment range and a commitment to improvements in performance and cost effectiveness so that our global presence in the EMC market is reinforced and increased.