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    Reliant EMC Product List for Eurofins York

    York EMC Services Price List 9ork EMC Services Price List

    Order Code
    Active Receive Antenna
    ARA01KIT01 ARA01 (30MHz – 1GHz active receive antenna) with DAE01 (pair of 100mm long dipole elements), manual, case, CAL08 (factors from 30 MHz – 1GHz, measured in a GTEM against known standard)
    Accessories for the ARA01KIT01 – Dipole Antennas
    DAE01 Pair of 100mm long dipole antenna elements (200MHz – 1GHz optimum)
    DAE02 Pair of 270mm long dipole antenna elements (30MHz – 300MHz optimum)
    Accessories for the ARA01KIT01 – Tripod Adapter TRA01
    TRA01 Tripod Adapter
    Cable Coupling Clamp
    CCC01KIT01 Cable coupling clamp kit with 2.5mm, 5mm and 10mm cable fittings
    CMF01 Set of blank un-machined cable fittings for the CCC01
    Comb Generators
    CGE01KIT01 CGE01C 18GHz comb generator with SMA output, 80MHz & 100MHz step sizes. Includes BP01 5V 2AH CGE battery pack, BCH04 battery charger, manual, case & CAL13 (output power from 0-18GHz, measured using a spectrum analyzer)
    CGE01KIT02 CGE01R 18GHz radiating comb generator with 80MHz & 100MHz step sizes. Includes BP01 5V 2AH CGE battery pack, BCH04 battery charger, manual, case & CAL09 (radiated field strength, 1-18GHz, measured in a FAR using a spectrum analyzer at 3m test distance.)
    CGE01KIT03 CGE01C 18GHz comb generator with SMA output, 80MHz & 100MHz step sizes and MCN01 monocone antenna (1GHz – 26GHz). Includes BP01 5V 2AH CGE battery pack, BCH04 battery charger, manual, case & CAL13 (output power from 0-18GHz, measured using a spectrum analyzer)
    CGE01KIT04 CGE01C 18GHz comb generator with SMA output, 50MHz & 80MHz step sizes. Includes BP01 5V 2AH CGE battery pack, BCH04 battery charger, manual, case & CAL13 (output power from 0-18GHz, measured using a spectrum analyzer)
    CGE01KIT05 CGE01R 18GHz radiating comb generator with 50MHz & 80MHz step sizes. Includes BP01 5V 2AH CGE battery pack, BCH04 battery charger, manual, case & CAL09 (radiated field strength, 1-18GHz, measured in a FAR using a spectrum analyzer at 3m test distance)
    CGE01KIT06 CGE01C 18GHz comb generator with SMA output, 50MHz & 80MHz step sizes and MCN01 monocone antenna (1GHz – 26GHz).  Includes BP01 5V 2AH CGE battery pack, BCH04 battery charger, manual, case & CAL13 (output power from 0-18GHz, measured using a spectrum analyzer)
    CGE02KIT01 CGE02C 26GHz comb generator with SMA output, 250MHz & 256MHz step sizes. Includes BP01 5V 2AH CGE battery pack, BCH04 battery charger, manual, case & CAL14 (output power from 0-26GHz, measured using a spectrum analyzer)
    CGE02KIT02 CGE02R 26GHz radiating comb generator with 250MHz & 256MHz step sizes. Includes: BP01 5V 2AH CGE battery pack, BCH04 battery charger, manual, case & CAL10 (radiated field strength, 1-26GHz, measured in a FAR using a spectrum analyzer at 3m test distance)
    CGE02KIT03 CGE02C 26GHz comb generator with SMA output, 250MHz & 256MHz step sizes and MCN01 monocone antenna (1GHz – 26GHz).  Includes BP01 5V 2AH CGE battery pack, BCH04 battery charger, manual, case & CAL14 (output power from 0-26GHz, measured using a spectrum analyzer)
    CGE03KIT01 CGE03C 40GHz comb generator with 2.9mm output, 900MHz & 1GHz step sizes. Includes BP01 5V 2AH CGE battery pack, BCH04 battery charger, manual, case & CAL15 (output power from 0-40GHz, measured using a spectrum analyzer)
    Comparison Noise Emitters
    CNEIIIKIT01 Basic CNEIII comparison noise emitter kit. Includes: CNEIII 9kHz – 3.5GHz comparison noise emitter, TLM01 (100mm long top-loaded monopole, 200MHz – 1GHz optimum), LSA03 LISN adapter, manual, case & CAL01 (output power from 9kHz to 5GHz measured using a spectrum analyzer)
    CNEIIIKIT02 Enhanced CNE III comparison noise emitter kit. Includes: CNEIII 9kHz – 3.5GHz comparison noise emitter, TLM01 (100mm long top-loaded monopole, 200MHz – 1GHz optimum), TLM02 (270mm long top-loaded monopole, 30MHz – 300MHz optimum), MCN01 monocone antenna (1GHz – 26GHz optimum), LSA03 LISN adapter, manual, case & CAL01 (output power from 9kHz to 5GHz measured using a spectrum analyzer)
    CNEVKIT01 Basic CNEV comparison noise emitter kit. Includes: CNEV 9kHz – 1GHz comparison noise emitter, TLM01 (100mm long top-loaded monopole, 200MHz – 1GHz optimum), manual, case & CAL03 (output power from 9kHz to 1GHz measured using a spectrum analyzer
    CNEVKIT02 Enhanced CNEV comparison noise emitter kit. Includes: CNEV 9kHz – 1GHz comparison noise emitter, TLM01 (100mm long top-loaded monopole, 200MHz – 1GHz optimum), TLM02 (270mm long top-loaded monopole, 30MHz – 300MHz optimum), LSA03 LISN adapter, manual, case & CAL03 (output power from 9kHz to 1GHz measured using a spectrum analyzer
    CNEVKIT03 Basic CNEV+ comparison noise emitter kit. Includes: CNEV+ 9kHz – 3.5GHz comparison noise emitter, TLM01 (100mm long top-loaded monopole, 200MHz – 1GHz optimum), manual, case & CAL01 (output power from 9kHz to 5GHz measured using a spectrum analyzer
    CNEVKIT04 Enhanced CNEV+ comparison noise emitter kit. Includes: CNEV+ 9kHz – 3.5GHz comparison noise emitter, TLM01 (100mm long top-loaded monopole, 200MHz – 1GHz optimum), TLM02 (270mm long top-loaded monopole, 30MHz – 300MHz optimum), MCN01 monocone antenna (1GHz – 26GHz optimum), LSA03 LISN adapter, manual, case & CAL01 (output power from 9kHz to 5GHz measured using a spectrum analyzer
    Harmonics & Flicker Generator
    HFG01KIT01 HFG01 – Harmonics & Flicker Generator Includes: manual & CAL12 (measurement of harmonics/flicker generated in relevant modes using power analyzer)
    York Reference Sources
    YRS01KIT01 YRS01 reference noise/comb source kit. Includes: YRS01 «CNEV style» 9kHz – 1GHz switchable noise/comb source, antenna (TBC), LSA03 (LISN Adapter), manual, 4 x «AA» alkaline cells, case & CAL16 (output power from 9kHz to 1GHz measured using a spectrum analyzer, all modes)
    YRS01KIT02 YRS01 reference noise/comb source kit. Includes: YRS01 «CGE style» 9kHz – 1GHz switchable noise/comb source, MON03 monopole antenna (200 MHz to 1 GHz optimum), TLM02 top-loaded monopole (30 MHz to 300 MHz optimum), LSA03 LISN adapter, manual, BP01 5V 2AH battery pack, BCH04 battery charger, case & CAL16 (output power from 9kHz to 1GHz measured using a spectrum analyzer, all modes)
    YRS02KIT01 YRS02 reference noise/comb source kit. Includes: YRS02 «CANE style» 9kHz – 1GHz switchable noise/comb source, MON03 monopole antenna (200 MHz to 1 GHz optimum), manual, 4 x «AA» alkaline cells, case & CAL16 (output power from 9kHz to 1GHz measured using a spectrum analyzer, all modes)
    YRS02KIT02 YRS02 reference noise/comb source kit. Includes: YRS02 «CANE style» 9kHz – 1GHz switchable noise/comb source, MON03 monopole antenna (200 MHz to 1 GHz optimum), TLM02 top-loaded monopole (30 MHz to 300 MHz optimum), LSA03 LISN adapter, manual, manual, 4 x «AA» alkaline cells, case & CAL16 (output power from 9kHz to 1GHz measured using a spectrum analyzer, all modes)
    YRS03KIT01 YRS03KIT01 Basic YRS03 hybrid comb/noise reference source kit, including: YRS03 30MHz to 6GHz reference source, MON03 270mm monopole antenna (200MHz to 1GHz optimum), Case, AA alkaline batteries (4-off), CAL20 direct measurement of YRS03 output power, 30MHz to 6GHz using a spectrum analyzer (paper copy of the test certificate provided), CDROM containing electronic copies of the CAL20 test certificate, plus tabulated data and PDF of the Manual
    YRS03KIT02 YRS03KIT02 Enhanced YRS03 hybrid comb/noise reference source kit, including: YRS03 30MHz to 6GHz reference source, MON03 270mm monopole antenna (200MHz to 1GHz optimum), TLM02 270m top-loaded monopole antenna (30MHz-200MHz optimum), MCN03 80mm diameter monocone antenna (1GHz to 6GHz optimum) Case, AA alkaline batteries (4-off), CAL20 direct measurement of YRS03 output power, 30MHz to 6GHz using a spectrum analyzer (paper copy of the test certificate provided), CDROM containing electronic copies of the CAL20 test certificate, plus tabulated data and PDF of the Manual
    YRS combination kit Combined YRS reference noise/comb source kit. Includes: YRS02 «CNEV style» 9 kHz to 1 GHz switchable noise/comb source, YRS03 30 MHz to 6 GHz switchable noise/comb source, TLM02 top-loaded monopole (30 MHz to 300 MHz optimum), MON03 monopole antenna (200 MHz to 1 GHz optimum), MCN03 monocone antenna (1 GHz to 6 GHz optimum), LSA03 LISN adapter, manual, 4 x «AA» alkaline cells, case, CAL16 (output power 9 kHz to 1 GHz measured using a spectrum analyzer, all modes) & CAL19 (output power 30 MHz to 6 GHz measured using a spectrum analyzer, all modes)
    Monopole Antennas
    MCN01 Monocone antenna (1GHz – 26GHz) accessory for CGE01C and CGE02C
    MON02 Telescopic monopole antenna approx 1m
    TLM01 100mm long top-loaded monopole (200MHz – 1GHz optimum)
    TLM02 270mm long top-loaded monopole (30MHz – 300MHz optimum)
    BP01 BP01 5V 2AH CGE rechargeable battery pack with BCH04 battery charger
    LSA03 LISN adapter with IEC type connector
    CAL01 CNEIII or CNEV+ output power from 9kHz to 5GHz measured using a spectrum analyzer
    CAL02 CNEIII or CNEV/CNEV+ radiated field strength, 30MHz – 1GHz, measured on an OATS using a receiver at 3m or 10m test distance (please specify which when ordering)
    CAL03 CNEV output power from 9kHz to 1GHz measured using a spectrum analyzer
    CAL04 CNEIII or CNEV radiated field strength, 30MHz – 1GHz, measured on an OATS using a receiver at 3m and 10m test distance
    CAL06 CNEIII or CNEV/CNEV+ radiated field strength 30MHz – 1GHz measured in a FAR using a spectrum analyzer or receiver at 3m test distance
    CAL08 ARA01 factors from 30MHz – 1GHz, measured in a GTEM against known standard
    CAL09 CGE01R radiated field strength, 1-18GHz, measured in a FAR using a spectrum analyzer at 3m test distance
    CAL10 CGE02R radiated field strength, 1-26GHz measured in a FAR using a spectrum analyzer at 3m test distance
    CAL13 CGE01C output power from 0-18GHz, measured using a spectrum analyzer
    CAL14 CGE02C output power from 0-26GHz, measured using a spectrum analyzer
    CAL15 CGE03C output power from 0-40GHz, measured using a spectrum analyzer
    CAL16 YRS01 or YRS02 output power from 9kHz to 1GHz measured using a spectrum analyzer, all modes
    CAL12 Measurement of harmonics/flicker generated in relevant modes using power analyzer
    ARA01 Hire ARA01KIT01 1 month rental
    CCC01 Hire CCC01KIT01 1 month rental
    CGE01 Hire CGE01KIT03 1 month rental
    CGE02 Hire CGE02KIT03 1 month rental
    CGE03 Hire CGE03KIT01 1 month rental
    CNEIII Hire CNEIIIKIT02 1 month rental
    CNEV Hire CNEVKIT02 1 month rental
    YRS01 Hire YRS01KIT01 1 month rental
    HFG01 Hire HFG01KIT01 1 month rental
    CNEIII Repair 
    1 major fault found (includes CAL01)
    CNEV Repair 
    1 major fault found (includes CAL03)