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    Accessories for LISN’s

    · CAP 0.9 – 400 – 0.9 μF capacitor for NNHV LISN’s

    · CAP 10 – 10 µF capacitor for NNBM LISN’s

    · CAP 10-200 – 10 Microfarad Capacitor

    · CAP 10 8226-2 – 10 µF capacitor for NNBL 8226-2 LISN

    · CMDM 8700 – Common/Differential Mode Switch

    · HVSE 8600 – Shielded Enclosure for Automotive LISN

    · KA-812X – Calibration adapters for V-LISN (V-AMN)

    Wiring Accessories for LISN

    · CEKON CEE three-phase current connector

    · Adapter Schuko plug


    CAP 0.9 – 400 – 0.9 μF capacitor for NNHV LISN’s 

    Schwarzbeck CAP 0.9 - 400 - 0.9 μF capacitor for NNHV LISNs

    In order to be compliant to the standards ECE R10.06, CISPR 12 and PSA (which require a capacitance of in total 1 uF parallel to a resistance of 1 MΩ at the input side of the LISN) a 0.9 μF capacitor like the CAP 0.9-400 has to be connected to the mains terminals of the NNHV 8123-400 or NNHV 8123-800 LISN.

    Schwarzbeck Calibration adapters for V-LISN (V-AMN) Data Sheet Schwarzbeck CAP 0.9 – 400 – 0.9 μF capacitor for NNHV LISN’s Data Sheet


    CAP 10 – 10 µF Capacitor for NNBM 8124 

    Schwarzbeck CAP 10

    · 10 µF Capacitor for NNBM 8124

    · 500 V (AC)

    · 400 Hz


    CAP 10-200 10 Microfarad Capacitor 

    10 microfarad capacitor 500 V, 400 Hz, built into an adapter, which can be applied to the mains terminals of the LISN types NNBM 8126 D, NNBM 8124-200 (all models up to 200A).

    Schwarzbeck Calibration adapters for V-LISN (V-AMN) Data Sheet Schwarzbeck CAP 10 10uF Capacitor for NNBM LISN Data Sheet 

    Schwarzbeck Calibration adapters for V-LISN (V-AMN) Data Sheet Schwarzbeck CAP 10 8226 2 10uF Capacitor for NNBL 88226 2 LISN Data Sheet


    CAP 10 8226-2 – 10 µF capacitor for NNBL 8226-2 LISN

    schwarzbeck CAP 10 8226-2 - 10 µF capacitor for NNBL 8226-2 LISN

    To be compliant to the standard MIL 461F (method CS 101-4 and CS 106-3) a 10 µF capacitor like the CAP 10 8226-2 has to be connected to the mains connectors of the LISN. 

    Schwarzbeck Common Mode Differential Mode Switch CMDM 8700 Data Sheet Schwarzbeck CAP 10 8226-2 – 10 µF capacitor for NNBL 8226-2 LISN Data Sheet



    CMDM 8700 Common mode / Differential Mode Switch 

    Schwarzbeck CMDM 8700 Common Mode and Differential Mode Switch 

    Schwarzbeck CMDM 8700 Common Mode and Differential Mode Switch

    The measurement mode switch CMDM 8700 expands the measurement possibilities of two V-LISN to T- and Delta LISN’s for the profound analysis of interference emissions. 

    · Frequency range: 9 kHz – 30 MHz

    · Measurement modes: Line A, Line B, Common mode, Differential mode

    · Connectors: BNC (50 Ohm) 

    Schwarzbeck Common Mode Differential Mode Switch CMDM 8700 Data Sheet Data Sheet CMDM8700


    HVSE 8600 Shielded Enclosure for Automotive LISN 

    Schwarzbeck HVSE 8600 Shielded Enclosure for Automotive LISN


    Schwarzbeck HVSE 8600 Shielded Enclosure for Automotive LISN


    Schwarzbeck HVSE 8600 Shielded Enclosure for Automotive LISN 

    The HVSE 8600 Shielded Enclosure (Shielding Box) was designed to increase the shielding effectiveness of automotive LISN significantly, which is necessary for measurements of electric- or hybrid vehicles.

    · Material: Aluminum 

    · Shielding Effectiveness: type. > 100 dB 

    Suitable for the following LISN types:

    · NNHV 8123
    · NNHV 8123-200
    · NNHV 8123-400

    Further Information about the application of the shielded enclosure can be found in CISPR 25 Ed. 4 or e.g. in the manufacturer specific standard BMW GS 95025-1. 

    Schwarzbeck HVSE 8600 Shielded Enclosure for Automotive LISN Data Sheet Data Sheet HVSE8600


    KA 812x Calibration Adapters 

    · Calibration adapters for artificial mains networks AMN or LISN


      Calibration adapters for V-LISN (V-AMN)
    Model # Description
    KA 8121  BNC female to 4 mm banana plug. Fits for NNLK 8121, NSLK 8122 and NDTV 8160. 
    KA 8125  BNC female to wing terminals. Fits for NNBM 8124, NNBM 8125, NNBM 8126 A, NNBM 8125 BCI and NNBL 8225, NNHV 8123, NPLC 8500. Diameter of terminals: 8,5 mm, distance of terminals: 60 mm 
    KA 8126  BNC female to CEE / CEKON 16 A male. Fits for all LISN with 16 A three-phase socket e.g. NSLK 8126. Diameter of Phase/Neutral rods: 5 mm. Diameter of Earth rod: 6,9 mm. 
    KA 8126 D  BNC female to wing terminals. Fits for NNBM 8126 D, NNBL 8226-HV, NNBL 8226, NNBL 8226-2, NNBM 8125 BCI with Option 200 A, NNBM 8124-200, NNBM 8126 G, NNHV 8123-200. Diameter of terminals: 8,5 mm, distance of terminals: 90 mm 
    KA 8126 F  BNC female to wing terminals. Fits for NNBM 8126 E, NNBM 8126 F, NNBM 8126 F HYB up to S/N 148. Diameter of terminals: 12,4 mm, distance of terminals: 90 mm 
    KA 8126 F HYB  BNC female to wing terminals. Fits for NNBM 8124-400, NNBM 8124-800, NNBL 8229 HV, NNBM 8126 F HYB starting from S/N 149, NNHV 8123-400. Diameter of terminals: 16,4 mm, distance of terminals: 110 mm 
    KA 8126 female  BNC female to CEE / CEKON 16 A female. Fits for all LISN with 16 A three-phase CEE /CEKON plug, e.g. NSLK 8126. Inner diameter of Phase/Neutral rods: 5 mm. Inner diameter of Earth rod: 6,9 mm. 
    KA 8127  BNC female to Schuko male. Fits for all LISN types with Schuko socket. e.g. NSLK 8127, NSLK 8126, NSLK 8128, R&S ESH3-Z5, ENV216 
    KA 8127 female  BNC female to Schuko female. Fits for all LISN types with Schuko plug. e.g. NSLK 8127, R&S ESH3-Z5, ENV216 
    KA 8127 NEMA  BNC female to NEMA male.  Fits for all LISN types with NEMA socket. 
    KA 8128  BNC female to CEE / CEKON 32 A male. Fits for all LISN with 32 A CEE / CEKON three-phase socket e.g. NSLK 8128, R&S ENV432. Diameter of Phase/Neutral rods: 5,9 mm. Diameter of Earth rod: 8 mm. 
    KA 8128 female  BNC female to CEE / CEKON 32 A female. Fits for all LISN with 32 A three-phase CEE / CEKON plug, e.g. NSLK 8128, R&S ENV432. Inner diameter of Phase/Neutral rods: 5,9 mm. Inner Diameter of Earth rod: 8 mm 
    KA 8129  BNC female to 4 mm banana plug. Fits for NNLK 8129. 
    KA 8130  BNC female to 4 mm banana plug. Fits for NNLK 8130, NNBL 8230, NNBL 8240 and NNLK 8140. 
    KA 8163  BNC female to CEE / CEKON 63 A male. Fits for all LISN with 63 A three-phase socket, e.g. NSLK 8163. Diameter of Phase/Neutral rods: 8 mm. Diameter of Earth rod: 10 mm 
    KA 8163 female  BNC female to CEE / CEKON 63 A female. Fits for all LISN with 63 A three-phase CEE / CEKON plug, e.g. NSLK 8163 Inner diameter of Phase/Neutral rods: 8 mm. Inner diameter of Earth rod: 10 mm 
    KA 8163 male BNC female to CEE / CEKON 63 A male. Fits for all LISN with 63 A three-phase socket, e.g. NSLK 8163. Diameter of Phase/Neutral rods: 8 mm. Diameter of Earth rod: 10 mm.
    KG 9201 Mast Adapter (swivel, 90° vertical/horizontal polarization for AM 9144), for VULP 9118 D,E,F,G and VUSLP 9111 E only
    MSS 9630  Braid current blocking cable to avoid coupling effects caused by braid currents. Standard configuration: N-male, N-female,  length ca. 0.2-0.3 m. Required for isolation measurements. 


    Schwarzbeck Calibration adapters for V-LISN Data Sheet Data Sheet KA 812x


    Wiring Accessories for LISN 

    · Wing terminals

    · hook and ring type cable lugs and connecting accessories for LISN

    Schwarzbeck LISN Terminals and suitable Cable Lugs Data Sheet Wiring accessories for LISN



    · CEKON CEE three-phase current connector plug jack 16A and 32A

    Schwarzbeck CEKON CEE three- phase current connector plug jacks Data Sheet Data Sheet CEKON



    · Adapter Schuko plug, receptacle for Great Britain, Singapore,

    Hong Kong, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada,

    Japan, Taiwan… 

    Schwarzbeck Adapter Schuko plugs Data Sheet Data Sheet SCHUKO